
Patriots Peace Memorial, Louisville, KY, 2003, Honor Award, 2003 Maryland State AIA Design Awards

This project was the result of a national competition. It is a National Memorial to military personnel who have died in service during peacetime. The walls are composed of solid blocks which are replaced with a glass block with the name of the deceased inscribed on it as these losses occur. During the day sunlight penetrates through these glass blocks, highlighting the names of the dead. At night internal light shines out through the glass blocks, sending shafts of light into the community.  Viewers enter the memorial by passing through columns which act as symbolic pall bearers.  Viewers then ascend a series of steps to a viewing platform.  As the viewer rises up the steps, the walls visually descend until, standing on the platform, the surrounding area is blocked from view and visitors are alone with their memories.

This memorial is dedicated to the memory of those United States Military personnel who have given their lives in the line of duty, under conditions other than those of declared hostile action. The Patriots Peace Memorial committee